Could Devin White Be the Defensive Rookie of the Year?

Aside from the Offensive Rookie of the Year awards, the Associated Press also awards the Defensive…

Trump says US Navy Drone Shot down by Iranian Missile may have been a “Mistake”

Iran shot down a $176 million U. S. drone in the Strait of Hormuz (as claimed…

Trump Warns of Epic Stock Market Crash If He’s Not Re-Elected

President Donald Trump is all set for his official start of the 2020-election campaign. He warned…

Anti-Trump Activists hold Rallies across the US to call for Impeachment

Impeachment indeed is a vital protection against presidents like Trump. The activists, at last, took to…

UNO Confirms you can’t Stack +4 or +2 cards

Fan of card games? If yes then you must be knowing about UNO. Finally, UNO confirms…

Facial Recognition Technology Violates Human Rights and Must Send End

Facial Recognition is genuinely a cornerstone in the field of artificial intelligence. Alas, like most technologies,…

Trump Declares National Emergency over Threats against US Telecom

Trump declares “national emergency” for the threat of foreign telecommunications companies to the United States. Donald…