Top 3 Digital Marketing Tips For Start-ups [Best Guide]

Digital Marketing Tips

Do you know that 90% of the 50 million startups that are created yearly fail? This failure rarely has anything to do with a lack of resources. 

Researchers have identified a lack of strategies, incompetence, and lack of experience as some of the key factors that lead startups to failure. The small portion that succeeds out of this number makes progress because they are innovative, persistent and always willing to evolve. They are always ready to implement modern and improved ideas that often lead to disruptive results. 

One great innovation that has helped businesses stay ahead in the 21st century is digital marketing. Digital marketing refers to promoting your business through digital technologies like the internet, television, radio, etc. 

There are several forms of digital marketing and all of them can be implemented in startups irrespective of the company’s purpose. Keep in mind that running a digital marketing campaign doesn’t automatically mean your startup is going to succeed. However, with the right tips, you can launch a successful digital marketing campaign and this will, in turn, boost your business. 

Top 3 Digital Marketing Tips Successful Businesses Always Apply 

Here are a few tips you can apply for marketing your startup.

1. Pay For Quality User Interface And Design 

Two of the key forms of digital marketing are search engine optimization and content marketing. Both forms usually complement each other and they usually require a website. Now, the user experience people get when they visit your website is going to determine if they will keep scrolling or visit your website again. 

Your website doesn’t just help create brand awareness; it also helps you build and maintain a relationship with your audience. Users should be motivated to keep scrolling and learning more about your products and services when they visit your website. This requires that your website is fast, engaging, and easy to navigate. Look for a good website designer who can make your dream a reality. 

2. Be Consistent With Your Message 

As the owner of a new business, you need to make the public aware of your vision. What are you offering to your customers? This message should always be consistent with your efforts to create brand image awareness. 

First things first, you need a unique business logo that will appear in all your digital marketing channels. You can either create a logo yourself or pay a professional to create one for you. Your logo should pass a clear message to your audience and this message should remain the same across all digital marketing channels. It should be the face of your brand that sends a simple but clear message about your company. 

Another thing that should be consistent in content quality. If you’re not a creative writer, pay a professional content developer to provide high-quality content and use it for all your strategies. The content should be valuable to your audience and shouldn’t just be focused on pitching your products and services. 

3. Automate, And Track 

Several automation tools are available for digital marketers. There are tools for scheduling emails, social media posts, and blogs. There are tools that can automatically respond to messages from clients and prospects before you can get to it. 

Make sure you choose the right automation tool for your campaign. If you’re going to use an automated chat system, don’t go for a cheap product. Pay for a high-quality product that can carry out meaningful conversations with your clients when no one is available to reply. Apart from automation tools, you should also use analytical platforms to track your efforts. This will allow you to cut out unproductive strategies and stick to successful ones. 

Some great platforms for social media automation are BuzzSumo, AgoraPulse, Crowdfire, Kicksta, Buffer, Socialert, Hootsuite, and CoSchedule. All you have to do is post the content you want to publish across platforms as well as the time you want them published. You can automate posts for days, weeks and even months.

Some great tools for tracking progress are Google analytics, Voluum, LinkTrust, AffTrack, Click Inc, Hitpath, HasOffers, Impact Radius. 

Wrapping Up 

These are the top three digital marketing tips that can keep your startup on top of the digital marketing game. Make sure you’re willing to invest in quality, you’re consistent and you always track your progress. Keep in mind that the rewards aren’t going to reflect overnight. It’s going to take time but it will be worth it.

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