How The Coronavirus Will Impact US Elections?

How The Coronavirus Will Impact US Elections

The CoronaVirus (COVID-19) is now the world’s biggest scare since the outbreak in China. As a result, there have been significant issues in the U.S. November elections in January and February. It is evident how the coronavirus impacts the U.S. elections economically, socially, and healthwise consequences in the future. 

The coronavirus takes precedence in everything today. Let us delve into the possible impacts of COVID19 on the U.S. elections. The U.S. faces a public health crisis likely to cause ripple consequences in the political arena and campaigns geared to presidential elections on November 3, 2020.

1. Leadership is in Crisis

Voters are keen to see how the U.S. president will handle a crisis that is not their own making, and Trump’s administration has done well. Competency is now a necessity for the administration more than ever as it could make or break Trump’s presidency.

“This is a massive government mobilization that needs a real government to handle,” said the New York governor Andrew Cuomo, on CNN. It is unclear what the virus situation will be like in November. It may be possible to contain the virus, but its long term consequences economically and socially may leave permanent scars.

2. Without rallies, fundraisers, campaigns are Crippled

CoronaVirus will not spread if all public gatherings and social meetings are forbidden. The prohibition of these activities is a direct blow to attacks which saw Sanders and Biden have cancel rallies.

Campaigns are fueled by handshakes and speeches that excite supporters, hence giving campaign momentum. Rahm Emanuel, the former Chicago mayor and the chief of staff to Barack Obama, if a candidate cannot feed off crowds, then it is an excellent test for the president.

3. How will People vote Safely?

Schools closed, all NBA games suspended campaigns and even football links. All social activities are not happening. So how will the voting happen? Can election clerks turn up to work in this crisis? Perhaps there could be other ways to vote like in Washington state where people voted in the primaries via email. 

4. Election and Economic troubles

The CoronaVirus is costly to contain and maintain. The financial constraints will hit the U.S. economy hard since no one is working. A strong economy is the basis of Trump’s reelection. Everyone is at risk with COVID19, but mostly, there is a concern with the candidates as most are over seventy, which is a delicate age bracket for the virus.


So far, Louisiana and Georgia postponed their presidential primaries. Is it possible for the same to happen on November 3? Well, it is unlikely according to the New York times because the U.S. election was set by federal law since 1845, and only Congress can bring flexibility in the election date. For any comments, please write them below.

Also Read- Everything That Seniors Should Know About COVID-19

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