Helpful Tips for Last-Minute Holiday Cards

As 2020 starts its final limp to the end of the year, you figured you’d skip sending holiday cards this season.

But as December has gotten into full swing, with many neighborhood houses beautifully decorated, Christmas tree lots showing up on corners and a masked-up Santa appearing at the socially distanced mall, you recently realized you would like to keep with the family tradition of mailing cards after all.

The only problem? It’s already mid-December. Time is slipping away fast, so you better get moving.

No worries — you can still create and send out holiday cards that are fun and festive. And if they arrive in early January 2021, no one will care at all — they’ll just be glad to have heard from you.

To get started, consider the following tips:

Feature the Family Pet in Photo Cards

Photo cards are a great way to share a bit of your world with friends and family. However, if your kids start to grumble about being featured in a family photo, tell them not to worry, as, this year, you plan to make your pets the star of the holiday card show.

As Digital-Photography explains, the eyes are the most expressive part of an animal’s face, so to capture the perfect holiday card photo, focus as much as possible on their precious peepers. Additionally, skip the urge to take photos of your pet from above; instead, get down on their level to snap the ideal shots.

Acknowledge This Year’s Challenges in a Meaningful Way

Yes, 2020 has been rough. But that doesn’t mean you need to include a three-page letter in each card detailing your struggles with staying on top of your kids’ online schooling, concerns for everyone’s health, and your endless quest to find toilet paper.

Instead, choose holiday photo cards that include a simple, heartfelt message, like, “Here’s to what matters most,” with a photo of your kiddos and pets. Or, go for another similar sentiment that reminds everyone that while this year has been challenging, we still have things to be thankful for.

Or, if You Prefer, Go with Some Humor

For those who have managed to keep their funny bones active during a global pandemic, you can always include some humor in your holiday card. Include a hand-written note on each card, emphasizing that you’re sending love from your bubble to theirs.

Conversely, you can take a photograph of your spouse looking joyous while opening a wrapped box filled with paper towels or boxes of pasta. Another idea is to don holiday-themed masks for your family photo. For instance, masks with snowmen, snowflakes, and maybe the Grinch would work well.

Don’t Worry About Sending Email Cards

For those who have been hit hard financially this year, it may be difficult to spring for stamps and traditional cards right now. Still, if you want to send a fun holiday photo to your loved ones, a holiday card via email is perfectly acceptable. You can send out a note with an attached photo or two, or an animated greeting where you’re all dressed up like elves dancing away to holiday tunes.

Celebrate the Season as Much as Possible

It’s good to know that, when it comes to holiday cards, you still have time to mail them, even if you started much later than usual. Use a photo you already have of your pets or two-legged family members, or shoot some new ones, order the cards, include a sentence or two acknowledging this year, and voilà — you’ll have holiday photo cards ready to go in no time flat.

Also Read- 10 Step Checklist for Planning Out Your Christmas Shopping

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