Best Digital Marketing Tips in 2020

Digital Marketing Tips

All industries today rely on technology to market their goods and services. Digital marketing is a platform that relies on technology to sell products and services. Technology is a landscape that changes often, and any entrepreneur should embrace it and keep up with the challenges and practices it offers. Here are 11 digital marketing tips in 2020 based on the latest trends.

1.Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing in 2020 

The year 2020 may be the time when most people wake up to the Artificial Intelligence dominance(AI). Once it is accessible to the world, it is sure to be the heart of most businesses in the future as it has already taken up a few simple tasks in various industries.

For instance, Knightscope K5 robots are already being used to patrol and surveil parking lots and outdoor areas with the intent to predict and prevent crime. These AI robots perform tasks like reading license plates and reporting any suspicious activities. Also, they as well collect data, then report to their owners. They are available for rent at $7 an hour, which is way cheaper than a human guard.

2. Capitalize on Opportunities to Diversify

Most businesses today do not pursue all digital marketing channels at a go due to tight budgets. But, it is a disservice to not market no matter how tight the finances. Marketing needs even a small allocation in the budget always. Make sure to employ effective marketing channels that are likely to bring significant returns. 

First, research to know your Target Audience(TA), secondly, find opportunities that you can capitalize on to diversify your strategies. You can begin with sub-channels that will quickly put you on the digital marketing map like social media and YouTube. After gaining ground, diversification will be smooth, bearing in mind your marketing strategies will pay off.

3. Embrace Paid Social Channels

Social media today is home to 86% of digital marketers. For instance, Facebook ads lead the groups with the advertising platform generating good revenue, and it is still growing. Other social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter have come up with paid advertising options. 

Gain momentum by embracing paid social platforms that are tweaked on social media to promote brands. With a genuine desire to be visible to masses, then use paid social strategies.

4. Build Existing Content

A strong traffic base is necessary for effective digital marketing. However, it is no guarantee that producing large content volumes builds a traffic base. Marketers today understand this, and they focus on creating masses of new content. Thus ignoring or overlooking the value of existing assets or content. 

Pro marketing tip: Keep up with today’s digital marketing competition by using your existing content to the maximum. Because your audience is already familiar with the content, it will be easy to drive in a new idea or strategy. And, you can make a few modifications to make it feel like a new read. Below are three ways to go about it.

  • Use your most popular content to inform your audience of any future content you create. 
  • Use new data, visuals, to update old content and give it a new perspective then republish. As a result, you reach a bigger audience.
  • Repurpose mature content to videos as an infographic or turn blog posts to an ebook guide.

5. Nurture Brand Advocates

When people come across new brands, recommendations from their peers before they make their purchase is powerful. Your existing customers will play a vital role as a resource to reach new audiences as well as drive new conversions. For you to make the best brand advocates, create and use campaigns as a means to incentivize existing customers to spread the original message. 

Pro-Tip: Create an online community through communication and keep in touch. Reply to messages, answer comments, offer rewards, and encourage your audience. Don’t just pop-up after publishing new content and expect it to be valid to the audience.

For instance, an Audi fan with handle #WantanR8 received her wish to drive an R8 for a day, which was a massive promotion for the vehicle, and more fans were offered rides on Twitter. 

6. Constantly Optimize User Experience

Creating content or a message that speaks to a TA is the initial step to successful digital marketing. No matter how good the content you create is, it will not drive traffic or make conversions without website User Experience(UX) as they go hand in hand.

Make sure that you drive marketing goals by optimizing and testing the User Experience(UX) on your website. UX includes making improvements to your site’s speed and navigation. As a result, your site will load and open fast, meaning easy access to your content from any device.

7. Integrate Online and Offline Strategies

A memorable customer experience online and offline is a crucial part of marketing. More businesses are now utilizing 101 events as a way to influence audiences, which drives sales. But, in-person is often isolated from online marketing initiatives or perceived as less effective which is incorrect. 

First, you can get the most out of in-person marketing by identifying the steps you expect your audience to take after the marketing event. For instance, signing up for emails or a free product demo. Create a 101 journey that nurtures customers on the journey, and they will slowly adapt to your strategies. 

8. Be Authentic

Authenticity is one of the most crucial tips in digital marketing. The creation of content for business today is well known to clients as agenda-driven. Customers may not respond to sales content positively. So, it is a task for you to first develop better strategies to build authentic relationships with your audience. 

Prioritizing authenticity in your digital marketing strategies can be through live content. You can host a live podcast or a live stream on Facebook and go with the flow. Regardless of the mistakes that will happen(of course, they will) during the live show, the positive outcome may surprise you. 

9. Make a memorable message

Sometimes deviate a little from your main marketing strategies. There are several ways to promote your brand or services in digital marketing. For instance, you can tell stories that relate to your product or brand to make it memorable and likable.

Be creative, and come up with a story that your customers can connect and influence them to buy whatever you are selling. Remember, your creativity will improve your brand image hence more sales. And the opposite is also possible.

10. Network to Build Partnerships

The main reason for advertising business as a form of digital marketing is to broaden your reach to customers on the web. However, you cannot compare it with a good recommendation from someone who knows about the brand. Be keen to collaborate with key players in your industry and tap into their big network. 

You will be able to reach a new audience that is likely to try your brand or services. Micro-influencers can also be your brand advocates on blogs or social media, depending on the agreement you make.

11. Analyze Performance Continuously

Performance analytics is essential to digital marketing in strategy optimizing. As a seasoned digital marketer, don’t wait until the end of a marketing campaign to analyze the impact of the strategy. But, you need to analyze and make adjustments for potentially higher benefits and eliminate any limitations serving this purpose.

Don’t rely on past performance to predict future outcomes. A top marketer will use continuous assessments in real-time to deliver what the market demands. A marketing platform in real-time should offer you tons of benefits to your brand as a result. 


Robust digital marketing strategies require a lot of effort besides adjusting priorities in successive years. Be on a constant lookout for technology advancement and opportunities as it will make you stand out from the crowd. When you keep up with tech and trending marketing strategies as they change, then your business will be on progress motion.

Also Read- Top 3 Digital Marketing Tips For Start-ups [Best Guide]

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