The Society for Human Resource Management: What You Need to Know

Human Resource Management:

Human Resources is one of those fields that is constantly changing. In today’s world, there is no surefire way that a single individual can stay on top of each and every regulation change. The chance of error will be high which in turn, leads to a higher risk for a company. Many times, these mistakes end up costing the company. 

If you work in the Human Resources field, you may have come across the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). This is an organization that was specifically created to serve the professional development requirements and needs of Human Resource professionals. 

According to their website, “SHRM creates better workplaces where employers and employees thrive together.” This organization uses publications, legislative input methods, and research to advance the interests and teachings in the field of HR. 

The SHRM website contains numerous articles, news on the latest HR policies, compliance-related information, legislative updates, etc. Also, anyone who is interested can order books and magazines by mail or online. However, much of the information is reserved for its members. 

If you are someone who is looking into what are the SHRM jobs available, their website is the best place to visit. Many HR professionals who are members, get additional information and teachings on the up to date and latest policy implementations, compliance, and changes. 

Is It Worth Joining the Society for Human Resource Management?

In most cases, if you are part of a large company, your employer will pay for your joining fee and membership program. For smaller companies that have an employee count of 30 or below, you can start a petition for the membership program and submit it to your superiors. 

Some large companies have many employees as part of an HR team. For these cases, the SHRM membership isn’t as critical but each individual can still benefit by becoming an expert in your specific area of focus. This could be useful in ways such as expanding your networking contacts, creating sample templates for policies and procedures, having effective conventions, and other kinds of great HR ideas that can save money for the company you are a part of.

The SHRM program can offer you the education and training which will aid your HR job. Once you have the certification i.e. professional in Human Resources (PHR), you will automatically advance and grow your career. To make things much simpler, you can choose to attend the classes in person or online. 

If your company is still contemplating whether or not to sign up their employees for this program, you can show them the benefits firsthand by attending the SHRM annual conference. This is a national conference that happens every year in the United States. 

Many of the speakers who attend are known to be experts in their respective fields. This can provide you and your company with valuable insight on how to go about implementing HR policies in a seamless manner and the different methods you can use to fasten the process. The conference can also grow your networking opportunities as many HR people (specialists, analysts, etc.) will be present.

Why Should I Attend the SHRM Conference?

When you attend the SHRM conference, you will get to meet speakers who have expert credentials. They will hold seminars on specific topics that are related to member HR interests. You can also exchange and share your ideas with other people and get a chance to better understand what other HR employees do on a daily basis.

Human Resource Management:

This year, the SHRM conference will be held in San Diego, starting on the 27th of June. Their conference website states that it will be the largest gathering of HR professionals who will focus on the most important policies and procedures, compliance issues, and legislative mandates.

Chance to gain a new perspective

By attending the SHRM conference, you will be able to connect with people in the same field as you and explore untapped talent pools that your company would have overlooked. You can learn new ways to improve your hiring process and different methods you can use to utilize the existing resources at your disposal and create more opportunities.

Hear it straight from the mouth of experts

When you register for the SHRM conference 2020, you can also check the list of the speaker lineup. What you find is that all of the speakers who will be attending are HR practitioners, strategists, business leaders, etc. The best of the best in their respective fields. 

Not just anyone gets a chance to speak at this conference, all these people have been carefully chosen by the SHRM committee through an intensive selection process. They specifically select speakers who have contributed to the field of HR and have immensely elevated the HR profession.

Explore everything that SHRM has to offer

Attending the SHRM 2020 conference is the perfect way to see what the Society for Human Resource Management has to offer. One of their newest programs is the People Manager Qualification. This program was specifically designed to turn to exit HR personnel or anyone wanting to get into the HR field into HR managers.

With this program, you can rest assured that you will be trained by the best as it will aid you by teaching all the important regulations and procedures in a step by step manner. All this is done in order for you to qualify for the post of an HR manager.

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