How Purified Drinking Water Is Made [Best Guide]

Purified Drinking Water

Have you wondered how your water is “made.” Since water is a natural resource, it can be an odd way of thinking to consider that water has been created, and it can be even weirder to think that there are different kinds of water that are created.

However, the water that you can buy in a water bottle has been through a stringent process to ensure that it has removed any imperfections and impurities. 

Water Purification Process

If you’re one who buys purified water, then more than likely the process for this water purification process started off with the water being shifted through a carbon filter. Water is shifted through the filter so that the first batch of imperfections are removed. 

The water is then transferred to a reverse osmosis purification unit. While the water is in this purification unit, it is constantly being moved back and forth through a semipermeable membrane. As this is happening, each time that the water particles shift back through the membrane, only the purest water molecules are being collected. 

Any of the unwanted water particles are moved through an alternative route in the system and then are discarded. 

The result of what is left over is the purified drinking water that makes it into your water bottle. 

Steam Distilled Drinking Water

This water is produced in a fashion that largely fits with its name. Many scientists believe it is the cleanest form of purified water.

It’s simply created from distilled water being boiled and changed into steam. The steam then cools back into water and it’s collected from there. 

This produces an extremely clean kind of water because as the water molecules turn into steam, they leave any solid dirty solid particles behind. As the water returns to its liquid state, it’s now free of the solid particles that were a part of its makeup previously.

While the purified water process described above is also a way to produce extremely clean kinds of drinking water, it is possible for extremely small particles to slip through the filtration process. This is why the steaming process can be considered an even cleaner way of producing purified water. 

Spring Water

Springwater is collected when it rises to the surface after being preserved in an underground water source. Although spring water must rise to the surface on its own accord for it to be considered as “natural spring water,” many water bottle companies collect this spring water directly at the source. This can be a cleaner and more reliable way of gathering water.

This kind of water will then go through its own purification process to ensure that any unwanted elements or minerals are removed. 

Although every water bottle company will filter spring water in some way or another, much stress that this does not qualify as them altering the spring water. Springwater still maintains many of the incredible minerals you would receive if you were drinking water straight from a spring. 

Although different, each of these is a tasty kind of purified water!

Also Read- Smart Strategies to Save Water [The Complete Guide-2019]

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