We are learning more and more about the new Coronavirus every day, and there are still not a lot of things we can be confident about. However, one thing all scientists and doctors agree upon is: older adults are the most vulnerable age group.
Higher mortality among seniors is confirmed in all countries where the outbreak occurred. Therefore, since they are the most affected age group, here is some of the most important information for them.
Older People With Underlying Conditions are at Risk
Although age is frequently mentioned as the main factor, it is not just about age. There are seniors who managed to recover from the virus successfully. Getting the Coronavirus in your seventies or eighties is not a death sentence.
However, people who are already suffering from a chronic illness, or have any other underlying condition such as lung disease, heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., are at a much higher risk of experiencing more severe consequences.
Children who are younger than ten years make only 10% of all cases, while adults between the age of 30 and 80 make almost 90%.
How to Lower the Risk of Getting the Novel Coronavirus
The virus does not spread equally in all cities and states, but once it is there, it spreads fast. Hence, if you find yourself in one of the hotspots, you need to think carefully about every further step you will make. Seniors should completely avoid any public gatherings, crowded places because self-isolation at home is the best prevention.
Stock up on groceries or have someone from your family come and deliver them to you, but do not go out. These days you can find a lot of things online, but the best is to follow the official CDC guidelines for prevention that include:
- Stay away from people who are sick.
- Stay at home if you are not feeling well.
- Do not touch your mouth, eyes, or nose.
- Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.
- Use a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
- Clean and disinfect all frequently used surfaces in your home.
How to Recognize the Symptoms of COVID-19 [Coronavirus]
Besides the fact that it can take up to 14 days for the symptoms to fully develop, once they start showing up, it is hard to distinguish them from the seasonal flu.
The most common symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath, but some patients feel fatigued and experience muscle aches, which are all typical flu symptoms.
If someone in your surroundings has these symptoms, call your doctor and explain everything, and do not forget to mention if you traveled or were in contact with someone who just got back home. COVID-19 test kits can quickly show whether or not someone is infected.
What We All Can Do
We can all prevent the coronavirus from spreading if we start acting more disciplined and follow the recommended guidelines. These guidelines are not just for the seniors, but for the young ones as well because they can spread the virus around without even knowing that they have it, jeopardizing the lives of their family members.
- Do not panic. Act responsibly and follow all precaution measures; social distancing is the best way to stay safe.
- Keep up-to-date with all the latest news but trust only reliable sources such as the World Health Organisation.
- If you are not a senior, but you have them in your family or neighborhood, call to check if there is something they need, medications, groceries, etc.
- Now it is not the time to travel, so you should postpone your trips.
Stay Home
Right now, the best thing we can all do is to stay home and avoid contact with other people. It sounds so simple, but after a few days, you might fall into temptation, so find something to occupy your mind. Also, think about the seniors you know, bring them books or crosswords, and call just to chat and see how they are doing.
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